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User Subroutines

User Subroutines

An interface is provided for users to expand the FrontISTR functions by programming. These interfaces are basically FORTRAN subroutines which include the subroutine header, and are a description of the I/O parameters and the declaration statement of these parameters. The main portion of the routine must be written by the user.

FrontISTR provides the following user subroutine interfaces.

Input of User Defined Material

When using user defined materials, up to a maximum of 100 material constants defined by the user can be used. As shown in the following, up to 10 values per line and a maximum of 10 lines of material constants can be input in the control data file.

2nd line - 10th line maximaum

v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10

Subroutine regarding Elastoplasticity Deformation (uyield.f90)

The subroutines are provided in order to calculate the elastoplasticity stiffness matrix and stress return mapping. When using the user defined yield function, first, it is necessary to set the !PLASTIC, YIELD=USER in the input file, input the required material constants and then, create the subroutines uElastoPlasticMatrix and uBackwardEuler.

(1) Calculation subroutines of elastoplasticity stiffness matrix

subroutine uElastoPlasticMatrix( matl, stress, istat, fstat, D )
    REAL(KIND=kreal), INTENT(IN) :: matl(:)
    REAL(KIND=kreal), INTENT(IN) :: stress(6)
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: istat
    REAL(KIND=kreal), INTENT(IN) :: fstat(:)
    REAL(KIND=kreal), INTENT(OUT) :: D(:,:)
  • matl: Array to save the material constants (100 max)
  • stress: 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress
  • istat: Yield state (0: not yielded; 1: yielded)
  • fstat: State variable, fstat(1) = plastic strain, fstat(2:7) = back stress (while moving or complex hardening)
  • D: Elastoplasticity matrix

(2) Return mapping calculation subroutine of stress

subroutine uBackwardEuler ( matl, stress, istat, fstat )
    REAL(KIND=kreal), INTENT(IN) :: matl(:)
    REAL(KIND=kreal), INTENT(INOUT) :: stress(6)
    REAL(KIND=kreal), INTENT(IN) :: fstat(:)
  • matl: Array to save the material constants (100 max)
  • stress: 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress acquired by assuming trial stress elastic deformation
  • istat: Yield state (0: not yielded; 1: yielded)
  • fstat: State variable, fstat(1) = plastic strain, fstat(2:7) = back stress (while moving or complex hardening)

Subroutine regarding Elastic Deformation (uelastic.f90)

The subroutines are provided in order to perform update calculations of the elastic stiffness matrix and stress of the elasticity and hyperelasticity problems. When using the user elasticity, or a hyperelasticity constitutive equation, first, it is necessary to set the !ELASTIC, TYPE=USER or the !HYPERELASTIC, TYPE=USER in the input file, input the required material constants and then, create the subroutines uElasticMatrix and uElasticUpdate.

(1) Calculation subroutine of elastic stiffness matrix

subroutine uElasticMatrix( matl, strain, D )
    REAL(KIND=kreal), INTENT(IN) :: matl(:)
    REAL(KIND=kreal), INTENT(IN) :: strain(6)
    REAL(KIND=kreal), INTENT(OUT) :: D(6,6)
  • matl: Array to save the material constants (100 max)
  • strain: Green-Lagrange strain
  • D: Elastic matrix

(2) Calculation subroutine of stress

subroutine uElasticUpdate ( matl, strain, stress )
    REAL(KIND=kreal), INTENT(IN) :: matl(:)
    REAL(KIND=kreal), INTENT(IN) :: strain(6)
    REAL(KIND=kreal), INTENT(OUT) :: stress(6)
  • matl: Array to save the material constants (100 max)
  • strain: Green-Lagrange strain
  • stress: Stress

Subroutine regarding User Defined Materials (umat.f)

The interface of the deformation analysis of general materials is provided irrespective of elastic, hyperelastic and elastoplastic materials. When using the user defined materials, first, it is necessary to set the !USER_MATERIAL in the input file, input the required material constants and then, create the subroutines uMatlMatrix and uUpdate.

(1) Calculation subroutine of stiffness matrix

subroutine uMatlMatrix( mname, matl, strain, stress, fstat, D, dtime, ttime, temperature )
        character(len=*), intent(in)  :: mname
        real(kind=kreal), intent(in)  :: matl(:)
        real(kind=kreal), intent(in)  :: strain(6)
        real(kind=kreal), intent(in)  :: stress(6)
        real(kind=kreal), intent(in)  :: fstat(:)
        real(kind=kreal), intent(out) :: D(:,:)
        real(kind=kreal), intent(in)  :: dtime
        real(kind=kreal), intent(in)  :: ttime
        real(kind=kreal), optional    :: temperature
  • mname: Material name
  • matl: Array to save the material constants (100 max)
  • strain: Green-Lagrange strain
  • stress: 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress
  • fstat: State variable
  • D: Constitutive equation
  • dtime: Time increment
  • ttime: Total time at the start of the current increment
  • temperature: Temperature

(2) Update calculation subroutine of strain and stress

subroutine uUpdate(  mname, matl, strain, stress, fstat, dtime, ttime, temperature )
        character(len=\*), intent(in)    :: mname
        real(kind=kreal), intent(in)    :: matl(:)
        real(kind=kreal), intent(in)    :: strain(6)
        real(kind=kreal), intent(inout) :: stress(6)
        real(kind=kreal), intent(inout) :: fstat(:)
        real(kind=kreal), intent(in)    :: dtime
        real(kind=kreal), intent(in)    :: ttime
        real(kind=kreal), optional      :: temperature
  • mname: Material name
  • matl: Array to save the material constants (100 max)
  • strain: Strain
  • stress: 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress
  • fstat: State variable
  • dtime: Time increment
  • ttime: Total time at the start of the current increment
  • temperature: Temperature

Process Subroutine of User Defined External Load (uload.f)

An interface is provided to process the external load defined by the user.

In order to use the external load defined by the user, first, numerical structure tULoad is defined in order to define the external load, and the definition is read from a file, the filename of which is specified using the !ULOAD, FILE=filename of the input file. Subsequently, the external load is incorporated using the following interfaces.

(1) Subroutine for reading external load

integer function ureadload( fname )
    character(len=\*), intent(in) :: fname
  • fname: External file name. The user defined external load is read from this file.

(2) Subroutine for incorporating the external load into the overall load vector

subroutine uloading( cstep, factor, exForce )
    integer, INTENT(IN) :: cstep
    REAL(KIND=kreal), INTENT(IN) :: factor
    REAL(KIND=kreal), INTENT(INOUT) :: exForce(:)
  • cstep: Current number of analysis steps
  • factor: Load factor of current step
  • exForce: Overall load vector

(3) Calculation subroutine of residual stress

subroutine uResidual( cstep, factor, residual )
    integer, INTENT(IN) :: cstep
    REAL(KIND=kreal), INTENT(IN) :: factor
    REAL(KIND=kreal), INTENT(INOUT) :: residual(:)
  • cstep: Current number of analysis steps
  • factor: Load factor of current step
  • residual: Overall residual stress vector